Hi there, I'm Morrie Schwartz. I am a college professor, so you can say I have lots of knowledge! Throughout my life I have learned many valuable lessons that changed my life, and I would love to share them with you. In this blog, I will be taking you on adventure through my life and teaching you what matters most. 





I know that I should probably be resting in bed right now but, I feel so useless in bed, I want to do as many things possible because I know I won't be here for much longer. Last night was a tough one, I had a terrible coughing fit. It was so horrifying that I thought it was my time...



If you know me well, you would know that I absolutely love food! I remember when Mitch first came to visit me and would always bring me some food from my favourite deli. Just the smell of it would get me excited. I recently had to stop eating harder foods now because it has become a choking hazard, Mitch...

Hi there, my name is Morrie Schwartz. I am a professor and a believer of living life to the fullest, and also an amazing dancer, if I do say so myself. Something very important you should know about me is that I love to dance! I have been dancing since my early days, and I loved to go out...

Morrie Schwartz - 401 Lake St, Sitka, AK 99835
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