My Early Days 


            Hi there, my name is Morrie Schwartz. I am a professor and a believer of living life to the fullest, and also an amazing dancer, if I do say so myself. Something very important you should know about me is that I love to dance! I have been dancing since my early days, and I loved to go out all the time, and party the night away. Although, as I got older I realized that I wasn't as strong as I was before, and I know you must be thinking "well... that is the way old age works." I thought that too, but I knew it was something worse than that because it became harder to walk and I was falling quite frequently. My wife Charlotte and I finally decided to take a visit to the doctors. It was one of the worst days of my life, and it was then when I realized I had to give up dancing. The doctors had diagnosed me with a disease called ALS or Lou Gehrig's Disease. This is a disease that completely takes over your body from the feet to the brain, and cannot be cured. My wife and I were in complete utter shock and it had felt as if my whole life just repeated in front of my eyes. I wasn't ready to accept that I was going to die much sooner than I wanted, until I realized the meaning of acceptance through detachment. I am so grateful for all the things that I was able to do in my life, and the people I got to meet and the impact I made on them. I established that I got to do so many incredible things in life that not many people can do in a whole life time. The only thing that I will be missing the most is teaching but, a good student by the name of Mitch Albom is coming by to visit and hopefully I can give him some life advice. Relationships are important to me because I believe that the only way to live a great life is to love one another compassionately. I always love my people because without them, this disease would be so much more difficult to cope with and I would love to give credit to my caretaker Connie, and my wife Charlotte for always being there for me. I can't wait to see what the next year is going to be like, and I hope before I die I can change someone's life through my love and compassion.


Morrie Schwartz

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Morrie Schwartz - 401 Lake St, Sitka, AK 99835
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