

           If you know me well, you would know that I absolutely love food! I remember when Mitch first came to visit me and would always bring me some food from my favourite deli. Just the smell of it would get me excited. I recently had to stop eating harder foods now because it has become a choking hazard, Mitch sometimes still brings me food from the deli but, I don't like to say anything because it means a lot to him and me. I know that I won't ever be able to eat my favourite foods again but, it doesn't really matter to me because it represents the love and tradition Mitch and I have together. Although I can not eat the same things as him, just sitting down at the dinner table with him feels absolutely wonderful. Speaking of eating at the dinner table, the other day I had a bit of a coughing fit. It was a terrible feeling because my chest felt so tight, thankfully Connie was around to help me, because Mitch was looking real worried. This coughing fit made me realize that I don't want to die like that, and I much rather die in peace. Mitch always looked at me weird and wondered how I accepted death so easily, and I simply told him that I understand now at any moment in my life I can die. If I am being totally honest, I am not feeling too well and the pain is slowly but surely moving higher and higher up my body. As much as I am helping Mitch through his problems, he probably does not realize how much he is helping me through mine. All my life I just wanted to be able to teach people the ways of how to make life worth living, and when Mitch and I decided that every Tuesday was going to be our day to talk it made me so joyus. I feel a sense of love and a strong relationship with him because he is always allowing me to teach him the importance of friendships and family, that I wish I got to hear when I was growing up. I hope when I am gone Mitch will take all my advice I have been giving him and spreading the word, just as I did to him, because everyone deserves to know how to love, and how to feel loved.

Yours Truly,

Morrie Schwartz

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Morrie Schwartz - 401 Lake St, Sitka, AK 99835
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